Content is King

Content is King

Content Is KingVideo, internet, blogs. It’s all great and now we can all be citizen journalists, but who cares?

Wow, I have just discovered and the world is about to change.

From their site:

“Current is a new, independent cable and satellite TV network,
available in 20 million homes around the United States — and
growing. Current is about what’s going on.

We follow the global pulse via Google Current, a real-time view of
what the world’s searching for, presented every half-hour around the

We slice the rest of the schedule into short pods — each just a few
minutes long — that range far and wide, from international
dispatches to profiles of cool people to intelligence on new trends.
This is not a traditional TV network; watching Current, you’ll see
more, on more topics, from more points of view.

And much of it comes straight from you.”

A media outlet where the common person can share their views, Current is an amazing concept, and many content producers are jumping at the chance to see their work air beofre a global audience.

And yet, amid theis new age of mass-communication, what does that all mean for you and I? If we can all create the story, then what are we watching? Is it relevant? Is it noise? Does anyone care?

Powered by Google, the Internet, search engine, “wonder of the modern age”, we see what is relelvant by what people are searching for. And the Current feeds you video articles based on what people want to see.

But, does that mean, a video on eBay’ shottest selling Barbies? No, silly, it’s all about News.

The what of the story is more important than the shot. Yes, upcoming video-producer, you’ve got the Current Survival Guide to tell us all how to technically produce items that one day just might see some air, but more often than not, *content* is what will get a call from a producer. (No, not you, a TV producer).

So what do we cover? What do we write about? What do we shoot? Cover what moves you, what you’re passionate about, what you care about.

If you’re an idealist like me, then hey it’s easy right? Nope. Just because I spend half of my office time reading about events, subscribe to a jillion newsletters and think I have a pulse on the community, it doesn’t mean I can write about something that anybody but me will give 2
cents to see.

To make relvant content, like any effort worth starting, it takes a team of people. Rather than trying to be all things to all peeps, why don’t we all work together to refine content that people want to see?

For just this reason, I started this newsgroup on the Current site called Got Content? Are you writer or idea person wanting to be a part of the revolution? Do you have Content? If yes, then visit the group and contact us.

I am blessed or cursed with the Long View. I can see for miles. With the long view, I care about what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. I care about building a relationship that will last years, not for one measly bit that gets aired.

If you think the same way, then work with us. If you’re interested in what Google is doing with Current.TV, then visit these links below. A Brave New World, one where stories are made from the people on up, not written by a handful of media conglomos is approaching. And we need you.


Eric Needle runs Longbow SG, a strategic communcations firm. His group is building a network of locally-focused publications that care about
the future of our communities.

Visit GreenOrlando at
Join his Current Group at:

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