Land of the Rising Code Logo

Land of the Rising Code Logo

Land of the Rising Code Logo, by JefteJon Bardin author of Land of the Rising Code contracted my services to render a new logo to go with the new content management system he installed, Exponent. The site is being redone to be XHTML compliant and styled with CSS so right now the logo is the best thing going on the page. Click read more to see a high res version.

Created in Illustrator and completely scalable, an important factor in logo work, its my opinion all logos should be vector and simple. The most popular logos aren’t logos at all – but logotype. Think about some popular brands: Coca-Cola, Time magazine, IBM. These brands prominently feature text over a symbol of some kind.

Here are a couple higher-res versions, including an earlier version of the final. There were several versions before the final with the mountains in the background was decided upon. I quite liked the stark communist red.

Land of the Rising Code Logo, by Jefte

Land of the Rising Code Logo, by Jefte

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